Virus Removal

Computer Virus Removal

If you’ve ever been victimized by a computer virus, you know how devastating it is. Pictures, documents, so much on your PC that you value greatly seems lost. But most encryption viruses, while vicious, don’t actually eliminate your data. They hide it in your operating system.

We have helped recover seemingly lost data for hundreds of customers. In 90% of cases, we’ve been able to recover our customers’ data and files. If you bring your PC to us and we can’t recover your data, there’s no charge…and we’ll recommend you to an expert in data recovery.

We offer a full antivirus service. For a set price, you can bring your PC to us, and we’ll take care of virus removal, spam, adware, and go through your system and remove items that shouldn’t be installed. Think of it as like a tune-up for your car. We’ll get everything where it’s supposed to be, and get your PC running faster.